TNR Program

According to the Human Society of the United States: "Overpopulation is a serious concern with an estimated 30 to 40 million community (feral) cats in the United States."  HSUS 

"A fertile cat can produce an average of three litters in one year. The average number of kittens in a feline litter is four to six. Up to 4,948 kittens can be born from one unspayed female cat and her offspring in seven years." Statistics provided by Spay-Neuter Assistance Program: SNAP 

We are passionate about helping to control the feral feline population in our area. We currently partner with local businesses to TNR (trap-neuter-return) animals from colonies in the East Cooper Area. An example of one colony is below. On January 11, 2024 we trapped 2, 6 week old kittens, who we named Bowser and Princess Peaches. They had never experienced human contact before but within 14 days had melted into the arms of our staff. They were (obviously!) adopted within hours of us posting on our social media pages. They are completed adored at home and will live their best lives!

Not all of the animals we trap are able to be adopted out. Once trapped, we transport them to our veterinarian's office where they are allowed to decompress for a few days while we provide all of their basic needs. During this time we asses their health and temperament. This allows us to determine if they need additional medical attention before sterilizing, if they're able to be sterilized and returned back to their colony, or if they will be able to be sterilized and adopted. 

It is estimated that "in just seven years, a single pair of cats and their offspring can produce a staggering total of 420,000 kittens." Statistics provided by

Your donations allow us to continue this life-saving work.